Re: MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

Date: Mon Oct 24 2005 - 12:42:20 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Cooperation, Profit and Some Thoughts"


    23 Oct. you wrote:

    > [Jumping into the fray]
    > Hey guys, I abandoned this thread for a bit of thinking time but I
    > think
    > I'm back in. [tag!]
    > I'm not sure if this has been thrown out before, but here you go. I
    > just finished reading Karen Armstrong's new book "A short history of
    > Myth" and the idea of mythos and logos kept coming up again and again.
    > She talked a lot about the problems of western society using just
    > logos and abandoning mythos. Has anyone ever explored the mythos/logos
    > separation and it's relationship to the social/intellectual levels???
    > Rebecca

    I don't like the "SOL fallacy" subject line much, because it's the
    least fallacious thing around here, but ....sigh.

    To the issue at hand. I will point to David M. Buchanan (DMB) as
    the authority regarding the mythological era, his point being that it
    can be seen as the social era (=the time before the Q-evolution
    had entered intellect). Something I agree with most vehemently
    and also see the mythos-logos as corresponding to the ntellectual
    level emerging from the social level.

    In ZMM (before the levels) Pirsig says that the "mythos over
    logos" sentence states:

        "...that our rationality is shaped by these legends, that our
        knowledge today is in relation to these legends as a tree
        is in relation to the little shrub it once was .....thus in
        cultures whose ancestry includes ancient greece, one
        invariably finds a strong subject/object differentiation".

    See. Logos=rationality=SOM=intellect! SOL proved again!

    The only thing that must be observed is that even if SOM started
    as "objectivity-over-subjectivity" (truth over opinion) it has
    developed a "subjectivity-over-objectivity" aspect since then, and
    the great fallacy is to believe that the latter has anything to do
    with the mythological (social) reality. Ancient people knew no
    spiritual/corporeal - or any other of SOM's dichotomies.

    Even worse is it to believe that the MOQ itself has any affinity to
    this spiritual aspect of SOM.

    Enough for now.


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