MD The SOL fallacy was the intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)

From: Ant McWatt (
Date: Tue Sep 20 2005 - 01:58:31 BST

  • Next message: "Re: MD The intelligence fallacy (was Rhetoric)"

    Bo Skutvik stated September 15th 2005:

    In "Lila's Child" Pirsig returns to the ZMM analogue of
    Gravity being created by Newton. This is true as it is that the
    MOQ is created by Pirsig, but while it in ZMM meant from
    Newton's MIND, in LILA it means from the uppermost static
    level that Pirsig is made up of. If this isn't heeded and the
    intellectual level continues as mind, SOM has returned creating a
    mess. For instance that all levels really are "intellectual", and
    Paul is only too willing to back all this, and people too easily
    swayed by his rhetorical skill. He managed to lead DMB astray
    and this once splendid thinker has now retired into mysticism.
    Remember Pirsig's in LILA that the stiffest resistance to
    metaphysics is by the mystics...

    Ant McWatt comments:

    I’ve never seen Pirsig’s comments in “Lila’s Child” as any more than a
    further explanation of some of the ideas put forward in LILA and in fact
    these comments corrected some of the more misleading ideas that people were
    propounding (on this Board) around 2000. One of these ideas was SOL which
    I've still never seen explained clearly.

    Moreover, I think that the MOQ (the philosophical “contradiction in terms” -
    Pirsig's words) is a bridge between mysticism and metaphysics. If there is
    a distinction to be made, I think the MOQ just doesn’t take either tradition
    too seriously (or, at least, as seriously as many of the respective
    proponents of these traditions). Hence the emphasis in the MOQ on (genuine)
    pragmatism i.e. are these ideas/understandings a helpful way of looking at
    reality? If yes, let’s use them, if not then let’s not. And as far as
    David Buchanan and Paul Turner’s posts are concerned (at least in clarifying
    the MOQ) they have been AND THEY REMAIN some of the better posts on this
    Discussion Board.

    Anyway, that's my two cents,

    Best wishes,


    "Turn on (to Dynamic Quality), Tune in (to the MOQ), drop out (of SOM)."

    (with apologies to Dr Leary)

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