From: Scott Roberts (
Date: Wed Nov 16 2005 - 17:28:47 GMT
Some obvious objections:
Bo said:
Different premises can give rise to different conclusion without
logic itself being faulty. I should have used "subject/object
premises" to delineate the intellectual level.
This would make all philosophers (except Descartes) non-intellectual, since
philosophers are those who question premises. I think you have a valid point
that most people most of the time act as if S/O[1] were true, that that is
their premise (what philosophers call the "natural attitude"). There is also
a valid point (shared with Barfield) that intellect and S/O[1] dualism arose
together (that S/O makes intellect possible in human development). But it is
also the intellect that can question the natural S/O attitude, and has, and
has proposed different premises, and can lead us out of the natural S/O
attitude. The MOQ is only a recent example of this questioning and attempt
at replacement. Thus I think you could justifiably say that the S/O[1]
premises are the basis of the fourth level, but it is silly to call it the
intellectual level. Intellect has the capability of transcending all levels
(all premises).
Bo said:
To expand logic itself is hardly possible but shifting premises
(that logic uses to arrive at conclusions) is possible, and my - um
- logic is that the different Q-levels can be regarded as different
Which puts logic outside of all levels, which must make it part of DQ.
Bo said (to Rebecca):
Yes you are right, SOL says that S/O is the 4th level's premises,
thus MOQ's DQ/SQ premises is something beyond, and for
goodness sake Rebecca the 4th level is supposed to be STATIC.
The tendency to regard it as a mental compartment where an
endless succession of ideas fights for the top perch is
inconsistent with anything static.
Isn't the word for "fighting for ideas", which is anything but static,
Bo said:
Yes from the said Q-premises which sees intellect for what it
really is: Just another static level.
So do you claim that Pirsig used something other than intellect to come up
with the MOQ? Or must we treat the MOQ as revelation?
- Scott
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