Re: MD 4th level - The more autonomous level.

From: Arlo J. Bensinger (
Date: Thu Nov 24 2005 - 22:51:44 GMT

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD FW: The intellectual level and rationality"

    the 4th level should rightly be called the "Individual Level," for
    without the innovation of individuals, it wouldn't exist.

    Why not rename the social level the "individual level", since without
    "individuals holding hammers", cities wouldn't get built. Or, why not rename
    the biological level the "individual level", since without "individual bodies"
    the biological level wouldn't exist?

    You continue to miss what is quite obvious. The "individual" and the
    "collective" are dialectically and intrinsically related at all levels on the
    MOQ. This is why Pirsig doesn't spotlight the "individual" as do the Randian


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