MD quality-man made or natural?

From: nic nott (
Date: Wed May 28 2003 - 13:08:41 BST

  • Next message: Platt Holden: "Re: MD Structuralism in Pirsig"

      As I understand it quality is being placed as a fundamental or the fundamental basis of perception . The definition of this quality being provided in the story of the essay . This definition seems profoundly tied up with human concious constructions only . For instance I can read a book or watch a film and I mentally grade them with levels of quality . On the other hand if Iook at a tree or a seascape the quality is always absolute , the sea is always perfect sea and trees are always perfect trees . More accurately to natural things quality does not apply , they are perfectly what they are and could not be anything else .
      My question then is does this quality only apply to the perception of conciously constructed things ? I feel that quality is only reduced through the filters of perception , the perfectly enlightened being would see the perfection in any essay and equally always write the perfect essay . Quality is always perfect and so does not really exist .
       I welcome any enlightenment in this matter.

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