From: Platt Holden (
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 16:22:31 BST
Dear Wim,
> In reply to your 29 Aug 2003 10:11:08 -0400 e-mail:
> We agree that there were not human concepts around when amoebas appeared
> in evolution and that the MoQian explanation of evolution is better than
> 'scientific Oopsism'. Do you equate DQ to 'a "life force" including
> "concepts" and a "purpose" in Pirsig's 'All life is a migration of
> static patterns of quality toward Dynamic Quality'? ('Lila' ch. 11) I
> agree as long as 'life force' and 'concepts' and 'purpose' are not
> anthropomorphized.
Yes, I agree to DQ being the "life force." I don't see how we can help
not labelling such beliefs "anthropomorphic" because all beliefs, by
definition, are human-centered.
> I wrote that I appreciate 'emotion' and 'intuition' 'as valuable (but
> largely unconscious) HUMAN abilities'. (emphasis added).
> You replied:
> 'I also appreciate emotion and intuition, but also appreciate my
> expanded consciousness which allows me to control my emotions and check
> my intuitions against further experiences. Having these abilities is
> "better" than not having them. If we didn't, there would be little to
> distinguish us from the inhabitants of the biological level.'
> Do you consider HUMAN emotion and intuition indistinguishable from
> ANIMAL emotion and intuition?
Yes, pretty much so. I think Pirsig says somewhere that emotions have a
biological base.
> Do you consider expansion of consciousness
> the essential element of evolution at the 4th level?
Yes, definitely. Evolution for me is about expansion of consciousness,
not about genes or bones.
> I agree for
> evolution at the 4th level up till the rational level, but I think
> humanity can and does go beyond.
How so?
> You wrote:
> 'Instincts and habits are great time and energy savers. Nevertheless,
> they do serve purposes.'
> Whose purposes? Pre- or post-behavior purposes?
> I'd say: none of such -anthropomorphized- purposes are necessary. Only
> DQ is (for which the question 'whose purpose?' can't be answered).
Purpose of life, it's creation, maintenance, and expansion. How else to
explain evolution except by the scientific "Oopsism?"
Best regards,
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