From: Nathan Pila (
Date: Tue Nov 11 2003 - 22:10:28 GMT
I am persuaded by the evolutionary writers who tell me that humans are a
product of natural selection. Many of our characteristics are with us (ie.
eye sight that sees some wavelengths and not others ) because it was to the
advantage of our forefathers. Our brain developed in order to solve the
problems of a hunter gatherer society. It wasn't designed to see eleven
dimensions but was designed to perceive three dimensions.
It was designed to understand cause and effect but not designed to
understand the purpose of life.
Religious people feel spiritual while praying. Others, like me, feel some
sense of mystery and awe while watching things like the NOVA program on
STRING THEORY or reading some science or philosophy. I got a mellow warm awe
feeling while reading parts of ZMM.
----- Original Message -----
From: "August West" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 11, 2003 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: MD string theory
> Nathan,
> funny coincidence, my pops is a real nova buff, he was
> telling me about this theory just the other day.
> I never liked the tree and the forest debate, because
> there is a tree and there is no other. if you mean the
> forest as in all things in the forest well someone
> else should know..if you are asking me, you are asking
> the wronng cat, unless I was in the forest, then I may
> or may not have heard it, and it may or may not have
> been real.... I've been hearing the phone ring
> recently and it wasn't really ringing.. (LSD
> flashbacks are a deadhead's blessing)... I think this
> "forest" question is asked poorly.. and it is
> unanswerable by anyone.
> as to your question about human perception of
> dimensions....
> you say: String theory
> > postulates that all matter and all radiation
> > (photons, heat etc) is composed
> > of vibrating strings of energy. That, these strings,
> > are the ultimate
> > reality; the strings vibrate in 11 dimensions. Since
> > we can't imagine 11
> > dimensions, is it fair to say that only 4 dimensions
> > exist and the strings
> > are unreal?
> August says:
> Just because you can't imagine it doesn't mean it
> isn't real. It seems this is more an idenity problem
> than anything.....
> ...You can imagine that I am human.. but can you
> imagine what I look like for sure??.. You only
> perceive me through words on a computer. which is not
> what I look like, but is my dq in a sq form... i.e. my
> creation, but stuck in time.. and stored and sent
> electronicly... until it gets to you and you perceive
> it.
> when you perceive my message.. does it give any clues
> to who I am?... maybe.. Does it tell you for sure who
> I am?...nope.
> Dimensions.. huh.. funny, it reminds me of one of my
> excuses to eat LSD.. back in the day.. I used to be
> able to perceive things with many layers.. I can't
> explain that kinda thing, its too tied to the
> experience... what the hell is a dimension anyway?!?
> This theory makes me think, DYNAMIC QUALITY!...I'd be
> willing to bet that this theory develops further, and
> someday you might be able to imagine 11 dimensions,
> once more is known about strings and dimensions for
> that matter.. this is all new stuff. It hasn't been
> tested in time yet and we haven't experienced it to
> the point of having its idenity's certainty being as
> certain as the idenity of an apple.
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