From: Nathan Pila (
Date: Sun Nov 16 2003 - 22:40:33 GMT
Here is a quote from one of my favourite authors on the subject of the brain. Do the questions it asks have answers in using the ZMM framework?
"Unless you accept the idea that there is an immortal human soul injected into the human body by God at the time of birth, there is no conductor of the psychological orchestra, so to speak, just billions of neurons forming systems that feel like a self.
The absence of such a conductor even as we experience changes in our psychological outlooks undermines the belief that we (i.e., through a controlling self) "can change what we don't like about ourselves."
But, "Who or what is the 'we'? If the 'we' doing the remaking are just other hunks of matter in the biological world, then any malleability of behavior we discover would be cold comfort, because we, the molders, would be biologically constrained.
It appears that a human is like an onion; if you strip away the layers there is nothing there at the center.
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