From: Dan Glover (
Date: Mon Apr 19 2004 - 17:48:11 BST
Hi Platt, all
>From: "Platt Holden" <>
>Subject: Re: Re: MD The Individual Level
>Date: Sun, 18 Apr 2004 17:25:23 -0400
>Hi Dan Glover,
>First, in suggesting the intellectual level be more accurately referred to
>as the individual level I do not identify the 'I' solely with the
>intellect and nothing else. The 'I' is a collection of static patterns
>from all levels. What I see is the levels being named according to the
>dominance of the value patterns therein. All levels contain some of the
>values of the lower levels. Otherwise, they wouldn't be dependent on the
>continued existence of the lower levels. What dominates at the
>intellectual level are thoughts and responses to DQ emanating from you,
>me, and the man behind the tree--unique individuals, all with different
>life histories.
If you name the fourth level the Individual level then it is associated with
the individual, which according to the MOQ is a collection of static
patterns of value. Are you saying the fourth level is better seen as an
amalgamation of all levels?
>Pirsig doesn't rule out changes in the MOQ, but does caution that any new
>position requires defending, a most reasonable demand. Mark, Sam, I and
>perhaps others are happy to oblige.
I think he also says if someone changes the MOQ that it should be named
something else to prevent confusion.
>Finally, all posters to this side, past and present, continue to owe you a
>debt of gratitude for compiling and publishing "Lila's Child." We often
>refer to Pirsig's notes in that book which we wouldn't have if it wasn't
>for your dedication and hard work. I for one stand in awe of your
Thank you for saying so. I have been fortunate indeed to be involved in the
Lila's Child project. It has been a labor of love.
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