Date: Sat May 01 2004 - 16:58:36 BST
dmb says:
Wilber is certainly more detailed and elaborate on the topic, but we can see
it in Pirsig too. Think of the way he corrects Descartes, insisting that the
philosopher can think only because French culture exists. Or Pirsig's
insistence that SOM's mistaken notion that it was born without parents be
corrected. And even the idea that each level gives birth to the next higher
one suggests that they are intimately connected. None of this contradicts
the idea of discrete levels because each new level also brings something
brand new, something that transcends all that came before. This is the part
that is discrete, distinctly different and even at odds with all that came
DM: This seems right to me, but happy to be persuaded otherwise if someone
can argue it.
Hello dmb and David M,
The question of inclusion here is really one of configuration; new levels
configure lower levels.
This can be observed in the motion of living organisms - motion in living
organisms balances Mass/Electromagnetic friction (i.e. Inorganic patterns) in a
sweet spot at which point Dynamic choice or coercion becomes possible. DNA uses
the same insertion point for DQ in atomic coherence, which results in the
motion described above.
This perspective aims to illustrate how alien the new level is from the old
level; and the point of departure defines this: very exceptional SQ-SQ tension,
or coherence, isn't patternation as the MoQ determines patterns - "repeated
arrangements..." "...appearing long enough to be noticed within the flux of
immediate experience." (Anthony McWatt, Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality.)
Coherence is that point at which patterning dissolves and becomes reconfigured.
The line delineating each level is a most exceptional example of intense
coherence, for the new configurations are proportional to the coherence which
invented them; this is to say, the new level is so alien to the old level because
the new level emerged at such an incredibly fine edge between Chaos and order
- DQ.
Despite the alien character of a new level, the fascinating aspect across
them all is DQ. This is why it is better to avoid the term 'inclusion' because
new levels don't have the old as their logical starting point; it is DQ which is
the starting point. And that starting point is well described as new
All the best,
P.S. The above further indicates the misplaced nature of Platt's 'Individual
level' suggestion.
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