Re: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?

From: Valence (
Date: Mon Mar 03 2003 - 18:30:49 GMT

  • Next message: johnny moral: "Re: MD Pirsig the postmodernist?"

    Hi Johnny,

    > You're arguing from a SOM perspective, where reality is out there and
    > first.

        No I am not. I am arguing from an MoQ perspective from which Dynamic
    Quality is the preintellectual cutting edge of reality, the source of all
    things, completely simple and always new (LILA ch9 p133) and from which
    static patterns emerge in the wake of Dynamic Quality... are always old and
    complex...and always contain a component of memory (LILA ch9 p133).

    From an MoQ perspective, the patterns come first, and patterns
    > aren't things out there, or we are back in SoM land.

        No, Johnny. You have it completely backwards. As you can see from the
    text I've cited above, Pirsig makes it explicit that DQ comes first and then
    the static patterns emerge in its wake.

    Patterns abstracted
    have no substance, all they are is expectation that they will continue.
    Where do the patterns live, in your understanding? If you say, in reality,
    you haven't said anything (we know reality is patterns), and if you say, in
    substance, you are back in SOM.

        In the MoQ, static quality is the differences, correlations and
    repetitive patterns that we observe in reality (LILA ch9 p 137). Your
    problem is that you think "reality is patterns". But Dynamic Quality and
    Static Quality are both *aspects of reality* that are derived from empircal
    experience. They are the aspects of reality that Phaedrus believed to be
    the "fundemental division of the world (LILA ch9 p138)". Static patterns of
    value are "the universe of distiguishable things (LILA ch9 p138)". But they
    are not reality themselves. They are the distiguishable aspects of reality
    that obviously must *follow* the Dynamic Quality from which they are

    take care,

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