From: david buchanan (
Date: Sat Nov 19 2005 - 00:54:28 GMT
Kevin and all MOQers:
Kevin asked:
Is the MOQ an anti-theistic system? Please support your answer with an
appropriate citation from ZMM and/or Lila.
dmb replies:
The following Pirsig quotes have been extracted from chapter six of Anthony
McWatt's book. They are also known as the Copleston annotations.
180 "The MOQ supports religion but does not support many Christian
193 "Quality is nature. The MOQ says there is no spiritual principle in man
that makes knowledge possible. Nature does the whole job."
208 "The MOQ would add a fourth stage where the term “God” is completely
dropped as a relic of an evil social suppression of intellectual and Dynamic
freedom. The MOQ is not just atheistic in this regard. It is anti-theistic."
216 "Faith is not required for an understanding of Quality. Here Quality
succeeds where Bradley's Absolute and Hegel's Being and the Buddhist
Nothingness and the Hindu Oneness and the theists' God and Allah and
you-name-it, all of them fail. For Quality, no faith is required because
there is no way you can disbelieve that there is such a thing as quality.
You cannot conceive of or live in a world in which nothing is better than
anything else."
228 "The MOQ does not rest on faith. In the MOQ faith is very low quality
stuff, a willingness to believe falsehoods."
235 "When you hear the words 'spirit' and 'faith' always look for a
traditional religionist trying to sneak his goods in the back door.
the positivists, the MOQ drops spirit and faith, cold."
Thanks for asking,
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