MD the metaphysics of free-enterprise

From: Mark Steven Heyman (
Date: Sun Aug 01 2004 - 21:40:04 BST

  • Next message: "MD Mislead or lie - conclusion."

    Hi DanG,

    Thanks for the response, and the tips about LC and Ant's thesis. I
    received the thesis awhile ago, but have only been picking through
    it. I'll read it cover-to-cover when I get a chance. I've had a
    copy of LC for a month or so and, so far, have read only your intro
    and some of Pirsig's annotations. So much to read... so little time.

    I think I've had a little too much science and Western Philosophy to
    completely shake away the SOM (if that's possible), but I'm working
    on it.

    Thanks again.

    Mark Steven Heyman (msh)

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